
Sunday, 24 February 2019

Compaq Presario R3000 and Compaq Presario C500

Todays car boot sale haul was just a couple of newer retro laptops:

As you'll see from the next photo, there is quite a bit missing from this laptop - but then it was only a fiver so worth it in case I need the keyboard or screen (assuming they work that is).

The next one, cost £15 because it apparently is in 100% good working order, once I find a power supply for it I shall see how true that is...

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Imation SuperDisk LS-120 USB 120MB Floppy Disk Drive

An Imation SuperDisk LS-120 Floppy Disk Drive arrived in the post today! Works perfectly in Windows XP but I can't find a driver that will make it work in Windows 10 which would be the icing on the cake!

Friday, 8 February 2019

2-Power BNOS Universal Power Adapters and CF to IDE Adapters

More shopping!!!

I shall use these Compact Flash to IDE adapters to replace the original hard disk drives that have come with some of the laptops I have purchased as I've a load of cheap CF cards I got from CEX and I'd rather they wore out than the original HDDs.

I store my laptops and power adapters (all labelled up to which laptop they belong) in two different boxes/tubs so these brand new old stock 2-Power Universal Laptop AC Adapters are going to save a lot of time messing about!

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Third Time Lucky - Car Boot Sale Swag

The last two times I went to have a look around a car boot sale all I got was a bacon roll each time!  Today however I had a cheeseburger and came back with this little lot:

Friday, 1 February 2019

Dell Latitude D800 - A Break From The Norm

Todays delivery is a break from the norm in the fact that this is a Dell laptop rather than a Compaq or HP one.

This one is not for keeps though, this is for me to refurbish and upgrade to sell on for some more funds to buy more Compaq equipment.

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